Monday, July 25, 2016


After countless months of obsessive speculation, and an equal mix of excitement and concern, Star Trek Beyond is now playing in a theatre near you. But does it deliver? This week hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton take a spoilery deep dive into the third Kelvin-verse entry and offer up their own thoughts on how it stacks up against the two past J.J. Abrams installments, and - as always - break down what works and what unfortunately doesn't. As well, the duo add the film to their own personal franchise movie rankings and ponder how the recently announced fourth chapter will shape up post-Justin Lin. So listen in and enjoy as Subspace digs into the Krall of it all.

Right-click to download.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


The old saying states it's all about the journey. But is that still true when the destination is explosively awesome? This week hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton, along with returning guest Tony Geluch, ponder that eternal question, and so many others, as they complete their TNG two-parter revisit with the hugely popular time-hopping finale All Good Things.... Does this episode still pack as much punch as it did back in the spring of 1994? Is it the best closure a fan could pray for from such a legendary series? And is old man Picard just a little annoying? Plug in and enjoy as we celebrate our podcast milestone with a tribute and celebration of one of the franchise's very finest achievements.

*Due to recording issues there is some noticeable static during parts of the episode. Apologies and thank you for your patience while we further amp up efforts to annihilate this issue forever.

Right-click to download.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Ever since TNG premiered in the late 1980s fans have debated until they're blue in the face which captain reigns supreme. Throw in four more contenders over the next couple decades and the argument gets downright chaotic. This week hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton, along with special guest Vicki Siu, wade into the fray to reveal how each of the six stack up against their distinguished competition. Will they favor the wise and experienced Picard, or Shatner's brash and bold Kirk? And what about relative newcomers Archer and Chris Pine's Kirk? Listen in for what will certainly prove to be a controversial hour of podcasting nerdvana!

Right-click to download.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


After the relatively heavy Descent, it made definite sense for TNG's next two-parter to aim for comparatively lighter Time's Arrow-ish territory. But did the creative team uncover the right fun story to stretch to two broadcast hours? This week hosts Cam Smith and Tyler Orton, along with returning guest Andy Chan, re-examine season 7's cliffhanger event Gambit, the swashbuckling yarn involving archaeology, deadly relics and one particularly volatile space-pirate vessel. Are Picard and Riker's double and triple-crossing antics entertaining enough to hold the audience's attention throughout the extended length? And does the show match the energy and inventiveness of the Indiana Jones movies and adventure serials that inspired it? Strap yourself in for a lively discussion on an episode that, judging from the trio's diverse reactions, definitely doesn't please everyone.  

*Due to recording issues there is some noticeable static in the audio. We're working hard to correct the problem to ensure it doesn't happen again. Thanks for your patience!

Right-click to download.